Workspace Setup

This guide assumes you have already installed the Zephyr SDK and the west tool according to the Zephyr documentation.

Below commands initialize a new workspace and pull all required source files:

# create a new west workspace and pull the BMS firmware
west init -m west-workspace
cd west-workspace/bms-firmware

# pull Zephyr upstream repository and modules (may take a while)
west update

Afterwards, most important folders in your workspace will look like this:

west-workspace/         # contains .west/config
├── bms-firmware/       # application firmware repository   ├── app/            # application source files   ├── boards/         # board specifications   ├── tests/          # unit test source files   └── west.yml        # main manifest file
├── modules/            # modules imported by Zephyr and BMS firmware
├── tools/              # tools used by Zephyr
└── zephyr/             # upstream Zephyr repository

If you already have a west workspace set up (e.g. for other Libre Solar firmware), you can also re-use it to avoid having many copies of upstream Zephyr and modules:

# go to your workspace directory
cd your-zephyr-workspace

# pull the BMS firmware
git clone
cd bms-firmware

# re-configure and update the workspace
# (to be done each time you switch between applications in same workspace)
west config manifest.path bms-firmware
west update