
This firmware is developed to allow easy addition of new boards and customization of the firmware.

Hardware-specific changes

In Zephyr, all hardware-specific configuration is described in the Devicetree.

The file boards/arm/board_name/board_name.dts contains the default devicetree specification (DTS) for a board. It is based on the DTS of the used MCU, which is included from the main Zephyr repository.

In order to overwrite the default devicetree specification, so-called overlays can be used. An overlay file can be specified via the west command line. If it is stored as board_name.overlay in the app subfolder, it will be recognized automatically when building the firmware for that board.

Application firmware configuration

For configuration of the application-specific features, Zephyr uses the Kconfig system.

The configuration can be changed using west build -t menuconfig command or manually by changing the prj.conf file (see Kconfig file for possible options).

Similar to DTS overlays, Kconfig can also be customized per board. Create a folder app/boards and a file board_name.conf in that folder. The configuration from this file will be merged with the prj.conf automatically.

Change battery capacity, cell type and number of cells in series

By default, the BMS is configured for LiFePO4 cells (CONFIG_CELL_TYPE_LFP). Possible other pre-defined options are CONFIG_BAT_TYPE_NMC, CONFIG_BAT_TYPE_NMC_HV and CONFIG_BAT_TYPE_LTO.

The number of cells only has to be specified via CONFIG_BMS_IC_ISL94202_NUM_CELLS for boards with the ISL94202 chip. For all other chips it is detected automatically.

To compile the firmware with default settings e.g. for a 24V LiFePO4 battery with a nominal capacity of 100Ah, add the following to prj.conf or the board-specific .conf file:


Configure serial interface

The BMS exposes its data using the ThingSet protocol.

By default, live data is published on a serial interface in a 1 second interval.

The used serial interface can be configured via Devicetree, e.g. with the following snippet in board_name.overlay:

/ {
    chosen {
        thingset,serial = &usart2;

To disable regular data publication at startup, add the following to prj.conf or the board-specific .conf file:


The default period for data publication can be changed with the following Kconfig option:


Shields for UEXT connector

There are some shields like an OLED display which can be connected to the UEXT connector.

See the full list of shields in the boards/shields folder.

The below example compiles the firmware with the OLED shield enabled.

west build -b bms_8s50_ic@0.2 app -- -DEXTRA_CONF_FILE=oled.conf -DSHIELD=uext_oled