Building and Flashing

As the main branch may contain unstable code, make sure to select the desired release branch (see GitHub for a list of releases and branches):

git switch <your-release>-branch
west update

The app subfolder contains all application source files and the CMake entry point to build the firmware, so we go into that directory first.

cd app

Boards with STM32 MCU

Initial board selection (see boards subfolder for correct names):

west build -b <board-name>@<revision>

The appended @<revision> specifies the board version according to the table in Supported Hardware. It can be omitted if only a single board revision is available or if the default (most recent) version should be used. See also here for more details regarding board revision handling in Zephyr.

Flash with specific debug probe (runner), e.g. J-Link:

west flash -r jlink

Boards with ESP32 MCU

The ESP32 requires additional steps to get required binary blobs:

west blobs fetch hal_espressif

Afterwards you can build and flash the firmware the same way as for STM32:

west build -b <board-name>@<revision>
west flash

For monitoring the serial monitor built into the Espressif toolchain can be used with:

west espressif monitor

Press Ctrl+T followed by X to exit.